If You Want Office Workers Back, Don’t Turn Them Away at the Door 

Many companies want employees to come back to the office, at least part time. But in a hybrid world workers need to want to come into the office. One of the problems is that workers don’t always feel welcome by the check-in process in many buildings. Parking, going through security, and reserving workspace or conference areas can be difficult enough to make workers prefer to just stay home.

There are many reasons for the friction that negatively impacts the way that workers perceive the office experience including the fact that office security is often still stuck with legacy technology and a pre-pandemic mindset. In order to create a more enjoyable and welcoming environment for workers, building owners and operators are finding ways to integrate new tech and retrain staff in a way that is not only easy for the workers but is welcoming—without sacrificing safety.

Join us for an in depth conversation about what the problem areas are for typical offices when it comes to their user experience and how to create a tech stack that can address those problems. This webinar will answer important questions such as:

What are the best ways to understand and address what employees want and need from their office experience?

What technologies can building owners and operators adopt in order to create a more welcoming experience?

How can those systems be integrated in a way that makes them easier to use for both office workers and building staff?

What skills do building employees need to learn in this new,

The post If You Want Office Workers Back, Don’t Turn Them Away at the Door  appeared first on Propmodo.

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