Land for sale in San Luis Colorado with trees & mountains, owner financing affordable property

Islands You Can Buy Even If You’re Not On Forbes’ List

I know there are billions of ways to spend millions but if you want to flaunt how rich you are without being featured in Forbes and in turn be the target of kidnap for ransom groups, buying an island is certainly a very good option. And you don’t have to be one of the Middle East crown princes, Hollywood actors and Fortune 500 CEOs to own your island paradise.

Should I Get Preapproved Before Buying Land?

The number one reason: Money Talks! Coming to a seller with a preapproval for financing can allow you to negotiate a lower buying price.

Land Loan Appraisals – Are They All The Same?

Every lender has a certain required form of appraisal that must be preformed for a land loan. The more detailed the land appraisal is, the more it will cost.

Does All Of The Recent Insecurity Of The Lending World Affect My Ability To Get A Land Loan?

Question: Does all of the recent insecurity of the lending world affect my ability to get a land loan? Answer: No! Most of the insecurity has come from sub-prime lending in the residential world.

Tax Delinquent Property Investing – County Departments Explained

I remember in my early days when I just started investing in Tax Delinquent Properties I was quite confused as to what all these different county departments actually do and how I need to use their services. For the purpose of Investing in Tax Delinquent Properties you usually don’t work with more than 3-5 different departments which usually are: – Treasurer / Tax Collector’s office – Assessor – Clerk / Recorder – Mapping Department – Planning and Zoning Department Mostly you will work with the first three, and the …

Tips on Getting the Best Land Deals

Want to get a good land deal? Here are a few tips to do just that!

How Land Investment is the Key to your Financial Freedom

Learn how investing in todays real estate market will earn you profits tomorrow. Also see how land ownership has historically been a key to financial freedom.

Hilltop Lakes – Fine Texas Living

If your looking for a great place to live, Hilltop Lakes, TX offers everything you can be looking for and more. It may be time to get in on the action…

Colorado Land – An Introductory Guide To Buying Land In Colorado

This article is packed full of information to get you started buying land in Colorado. I will be releasing more articles but this one should contain enough information to get you on the right track.

Real Estate in Booming Queensland (QLD) – Where To Find The Bargains

Queensland has become one of Australia’s property hotspots in recent times. This is a result of many factors from a booming population to strong economic growth driven by the mining sector.

Prices Rise on Land For Sale in Koh Samui

Land for sale prices in Koh Samui in the southern part of Thailand have increased overall by a substantial amount, figures give 85.79 percent over an average nationwide increase of 26.9 percent. The Director General of the Thailand Treasury Department, Khun Puntip Surathin, announced the Samui land valuations for tax calculations during the period 2008 to 2011.

Stuck in the Muck in Winnemucca

On the way to visit my Mom for Christmas, I decided to check out land I saw listed on eBay. After getting stuck, I tried calling 911.

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