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Buying Land For Sale? How to Make the Best Choice

Buying Land? If you’re searching for land for sale, you may find that there are plenty of options for both commercial and private development. This is perfect for first time home buyers who want to build the home of their dreams, families that are concerned with the nearby schools and neighborhood, and retirees as well.

New Jersey’s Licensed Site Remediation Professionals Are Making Changes

On May 7th, Governor Jon Corzine signed into law the Site Remediation Reform Act, designed to overhaul the way New Jersey investigates and decontaminates Brownfield land. These parcels have been polluted through buried chemical sources like oil tanks or nearby factory runoff.

A Guide on Land Buying Procedures

A lot of individuals who plan to buy a land have one common reason and that is to have a place for their dream house in the long run. But aside from the said intention, they are also buying simply because they want to make a worthwhile investment after working for so many years.

Aerial Mapping and Surveying

The main benefit of aerial methods of mapping and surveying is that they are unobtrusive, and do not require setting foot on the actual terrain. This is advantageous in situations with limited access to the land or dangerous terrain, such as areas with steep slopes.

Highway Construction Surveying

A highway survey is conducted during the initial highway planning stages to provide raw data about the terrain to aid in the road design process. During the construction project regular check surveys ensure that the road is being constructed precisely where it should be.

Buying the Right Plot of Land

Always involve a land surveyor when purchasing any piece of property, developed or undeveloped, to avoid such messy consequences as an unclear title or a plot of land that cannot be built on legally. There are many possibilities that may only be discovered after a survey of the land, such as a situation in which neighbors have built fences or homes encroaching onto the land you are considering purchasing.

The Efficacy of Land to Humanity

Land is said to be as old as Man or even older than Man, it’s importance and value cannot be over emphasis. Many [people] don’t know how it came to existence but yet can kill or die just to have a piece of it. Some worships it more than its maker; forgetting that without the Maker there won’t be an inheritance to start with.

You’ve Bought Some Land and You’re Interested in Log Cabins, Where Do You Start?

So, you’ve bought yourself a nice plot of land, or perhaps you have some spare land on your current property. You are certainly interested in log cabins but where do you start? It can sometimes be really hard to figure out what your next step is but luckily it’s pretty straight forward. There are so many options available these days, you should have no problems finding what you need.

Buying Raw Land – An Insider’s Guide

Perhaps you have dreamed about owning a piece of property, building your dream home and living happily ever after. What many don’t consider is that buying raw land can be challenging and should be approached with great diligence and caution.

Is Access to Horse Trails in the Search For Horse Friendly Property to Purchase Or Build Important?

The Location that you select, in the purchase of a house or vacant land is one of the most important decisions you will make when looking for horse friendly real estate. If you are an avid horse rider, you are well aware of how important it is to have easily accessible horse riding trails or riding facilities available to you. The last thing that you want to do is trailer your horse every time you want to ride for an extended Length of time.

How to Hire a Land Surveyor

Buying and selling properties is not a new phenomenon. It is global due to economic crunches, personal ambitions, environmental factors, social structures, governmental controls.

Surveying in a Public Topographic Surveys System

Topographical surveys are very useful in public land surveys. This gives a clear picture of the topography of the land along with the natural features and the manmade buildings in the particular piece of land.

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