How ChatGPT can help you work more efficiently and generate more leads

ChatGPT, the AI chatbot, has taken the world by storm over the past few months. It took Netflix 3.5 years to reach one million users, Facebook ten months and Spotify five months. ChatGPT got to the first million users in five days. In two months after that, ChatGPT reached 100 million active monthly users.

But first things first. 

What is artificial intelligence (AI)?

Artificial intelligence refers to computer systems designed to perform tasks that usually require human intelligence, such as recognizing speech, identifying patterns or making decisions. 

By its own description, ChatGPT is “an AI-powered chatbot developed by OpenAI, based on the GPT (Generative Pretrained Transformer) language model. It uses deep learning techniques to generate human-like responses to text inputs in a conversational manner.”

With a whopping 175 billion parameters, GPT-4 (the latest version of GPT) is the largest and most powerful language-processing AI model to date.

Is ChatGPT free to use?

Yes, the basic version of ChatGPT is free to use. OpenAI also has a paid, premium version called ChatGPT Plus that costs $20 per month. ChatGPT Plus provides access during peak times and first access to new features. 

How do I access ChatGPT?

You can access it on its website. No downloading of software or an app is required. The main screen greets you with “Examples,” “Capabilities” and “Limitations.” We will get to examples in more detail later in this article. For now, let’s focus on capabilities and limitations.

Unlike a search engine like Google, where every search needs to start from scratch, ChatGPT can take follow-up instructions. For example, you can ask ChatGPT, “Plan my trip from London to Paris and include the top places to visit if I am staying for a day.” When it responds with the plan, you can ask it to “Give a cost estimate of the trip but exclude visiting Eiffel Tower.” ChatGPT knows what it answered as part of the earlier question and adjusts the response accordingly.

As for the “limitations,” it’s not always correct, and much data has not been updated after 2021.

ChatGPT for lenders

Several use cases exist for mortgage companies and loan officers to use ChatGPT and AI.

AI chatbots can help improve customer service by providing 24/7 support, reducing response times and handling routine inquiries. 

AI can be used to provide a more personalized experience for mortgage customers. By analyzing customer data and behavior, AI can identify individual preferences and needs, allowing mortgage companies to tailor their services to each customer’s unique needs.

AI can also help with risk management and fraud detection by enhancing data accuracy.

And I can go on and on about this.

But since I have limited space and you have limited time, let’s dive into the top two tasks that will make you more efficient and productive and help you generate more leads.

Task #1 – Social media management

ChatGPT can perform virtually any task when it comes to social media. Let’s start by asking it to create a content calendar for a week (you can do this for a month or even a year)

xaE0j7GFXqQ60MZDvcuBQzkrX5bN0ZLNQ9QM9jfM5eTXZotEKrFsJwZlp4I p0fNOsZT0rfXm6hcGqmL4V94HIAhPJFxzqjbEazu6shX46UD xoVXD6 Po0UBovQoEvaJe1BwMpfaao4sRC8yJoRnSE
4SAr3Cz5F0wjoQTLw5M2y7F8fmg4uLHE9E7sZRLSeATetVc 7Mh ZsyyXXhG6fvYefz1bAEbMsyw oXr9KlbNvkMaXEIHODzdVH9aWkrbre4uwCoQjbifSICq
W43Ppok2fpq 639o1 YQNvgoJBuEagOvCcnqe2y5DDiLkpzIztfdGawVC8e W 8uIL4U P5cetSCXreY8j2RAwPbBKLn

That’s two posts a day for seven days straight. But I wanted more than just the ideas; I wanted it to do more work. So, here’s what I asked it to do.

tVif8lXFZ4d40zHjtq4EsnldvMdVkNGZoHcAijbMTXCKriKJjWkpm6Ab859gxoxQCzc4q9NfiilU5EpUg1KKPrsK3pss u5GOQ2R8n7Ywg9Tbq Kz n w37sEDpgtoV K7kFxuD
JId29uUH1iOeQitYB6FDDQCxNba1qXpqmmlcnMRjAlhqnjHFDfk1aWwGy8KC2NkNE5QmItm9 HQDS3kz 1VaGA3Q

I found that a tad boring. So, I had a follow-up task.

cpPfGLjOI3LugoOo gvQxCvhuOtsH48g0Y ONT35eLhKFd7B gl7O579P PZcgf eZlf nLobs3hp M7aP6c4Ut4IoKCHzyAkQIm5koVubR HqgTwhngdzBc
ycGuizIc5S2 Rkf zl80xSUPb70i cz3 lOxuRVQB1

It can also write the same script in Spanish or dozens of other languages.

Here are some of the capabilities of ChatGPT with social media marketing:

  • It can create a content calendar to help you plan what kind of content will work best for you
  • It will write most of the content for you
  • It can revise the content in any tone you wish if you have already written it, even adding a touch of humor
  • For videos, it can suggest just the title and the description, or it can write the script of the entire video (as evidenced above)

Task #2 – Email marketing through persuasive copywriting

ChatGPT can write original emails and respond to emails. These are different from your plain boring emails. They can be persuasive, use sales closing techniques and sound like a legal draft, as referenced in a CNN news article about an agent named Asion:

Recently, a client reached out to Asion with a problem: the woman had moved into a pre-construction home and couldn’t open her windows. She had attempted to contact the developer for months with no response. Asion ran a copy of one of her emails through ChatGPT, asking it to rewrite it with an emphasis on the liability implications.

“ChatGPT wrote it as a legal issue and all of a sudden, the developer showed up at her house,” he said.

Let’s look at another example.

KZRqqHMactlHkEYk uyesgTKdAa gjdZqWqBnKIVCh 6ZSdMSI Oo5IvCR UARiW6 jCMjSl5NLju8UT7OKHCd59fBwXHaXSo8eQ8dYqdnGzq3WqnLtaFkdcHvu10u qMwwj6JTqCILdwORsmuVnEnQ

Then I asked it to write the same email using a different persuasive framework. So, you can pick and choose the version you like better.

0XfRuqE4DG7NwipKKPLHwgPEjcP76Df3a1z 5Z5MUbky48NLlNsYNAS8zgSgv1 bFBYZ pFQ1g7g7DcB8ZJkwA0OqJGFDwBWlOf8gc6cBpFUFqyU9j3J3Ps8kTH60T 3sXfFx
ylZbPE0A39qPCtAt9FeIlgBkwiB5DLxpWfkU0 HmUhabV6FlTG 1m6Hd0ZwdsDjkGJtBjC 7gBWBsyZfzPhYuGK bcPTuYEfyV3q77zOt4Z09qHpZkYGOPr4RkgY0Hmjo7VYPzCXmQKZnyDv8wCs7pc

How to get better answers from ChatGPT

While this is as easy as typing a search phrase on Google, the trick to getting better results is writing better prompts (instructions). 

Here is the anatomy of a perfect prompt:

Simulate Persona -> Task -> Context and/or Constraints -> Goal -> Format Output

Go from a good prompt like “Give me good social media marketing ideas” to a great prompt like “For a loan officer in Dallas, Texas, create a social media marketing strategy for a week to engage the audience with ideas for posts, stories and videos” using the anatomy of a perfect prompt mentioned above. 

Want to see more case studies? Download the free ebook “ChatGPT For Lenders” on

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