Real Estate Agents Now Experience Twitter Blue

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Did you know that there are almost 176,000 real estate agents working in the United States?

That’s a significant amount of potential competition. The industry is already dog-eat-dog as it is, but now it’s harder and harder to get the word out there. If you want to draw attention to your services while also having a better chance of selling the properties you represent, then you need to use social media.

One option involves Twitter Blue. Are you wondering if it’s worth implementing or not? Keep reading to learn how the Twitter Blue experience can help real estate agents.

What Is Twitter Blue?

The simplest way to describe Twitter Blue is as a subscription service that you pay for on a month-to-month basis. If you decide to opt-in for this service, you’ll not only get the lauded blue checkmark on your account, but you’ll also get early access to certain new features.

One of these features is the ability to edit a tweet. For the longest time, Twitter users had to either accept any typos in their viral tweets, add edits as a reply, or even delete the tweet and post the fixed version.

How Much Is Twitter Blue?

You can either sign up for Twitter Blue on your computer’s browser or within the app itself. It’s available on both Android and iOS operating systems. On browsers, it’s eight dollars each month or $84 for the year, while the in-app Twitter Blue service is $11 a month.

Keep in mind that prices might end up being a bit different in your local area, so it’s worth checking it out on your app or browser. Don’t forget that new accounts won’t have the option of signing up for Twitter Blue until three months have passed. The reason for this is to ensure the legitimacy of each Twitter user.

This is why Twitter Blue also might not be available to users who haven’t logged in within the past month. Other factors that can affect your access to Twitter Blue include changing your username or your profile picture.

You’ll also need a verified phone number. Without it, signing up for Twitter Blue won’t be possible.

How Can Twitter Blue Help Real Estate Agents?

Right away, Twitter Blue can help real estate agents by making their profiles look much more official. Having the blue checkmark is not only prestigious, but it demonstrates that you mean business. Plus, no one will be able to steal your identity by creating a look-alike profile on Twitter.

The checkmark can also ensure that your social media ads end up being more successful than ever. You can bet that Twitter users will think twice before clicking on an ad that’s run by an account without that official checkmark. Looking at it that way, the checkmark establishes an essential foundation of trust between an online real estate agent and potential clients.

Having the checkmark by your username will also go a long way toward proving that you’re an authority in your industry. By posting regular content that helps potential clients find the homes they love or get rid of the ones they don’t, more and more people will look to your account for guidance.

Twitter also prioritizes Twitter Blue subscribers in conversations. Anytime you reply to a tweet, for instance, your reply will rank higher than the users who don’t have Twitter Blue.

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Why Twitter Blue Features Are Necessary?

The ability to edit a tweet alone is a great feature to have at your fingertips. That way, you can always put your best foot forward. In the world of real estate social media, even the littlest things can change how your potential clients view you.

Plus, you wouldn’t want to delete a viral tweet just so you can fix one or more typos. There’s always a chance that the new, corrected tweet won’t get the same traction that the first one did. With the Edit Tweet function, you can always rest easy knowing that any needed fix is a click away.

A similar feature to Edit Tweet is known as Undo Tweet. This gives you a window of opportunity to unsend a tweet before your followers get the opportunity to see it. Whether you realized there was a typo after clicking the send button or you forgot to include an important link, undoing a tweet will save the day.

The best marketing strategy involves staying in the loop. This is easier than ever with Twitter Blue because another feature they offer involves top articles. These are the most-shared and engaged-with articles within your sphere.

Instead of having to scroll and sift through a wide range of tweets, the top article feature can save you time and make you even more of a force to be reckoned with. As if that wasn’t convenient enough, you’ll also have access to custom navigation features. This will go a long way toward creating the perfect Twitter experience for your business needs.

The ability to upload longer videos is another priceless feature that comes with Twitter Blue. This allows you to fully show off your homes for sale and post other necessary real estate marketing videos.

Are You Ready to Use Twitter Blue to Your Advantage?

Now that you’ve learned how the Twitter Blue experience can help real estate agents, you can ensure you get the most out of it. By taking advantage of this experience sooner rather than later, you can stand out from the crowd and reach more clients than ever.

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The post Real Estate Agents Now Experience Twitter Blue appeared first on RealtyBizNews: Real Estate Marketing & Beyond.

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